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Free Advent Calendar Knitting Pattern (my progress)

My FREE ADVENT CALENDAR PATTERN is on Ravelry! You can also view it on my blog HERE. As soon as I'm finished all 25 sacks, I will be writing up a pdf that will be a free Ravelry download for easy printing!

It's December 1st and this is how far I've gotten...

I'm halfway done. But at least I only have to knit this up once and it will be a treasured heirloom to use every year in the future!!


At this point I have enough sacks done that the kids can open lots of days of treats and I still have lots of days to finish!! I am actually going to choose one sack a night to number and knit another one up!

I went and got a bunch of candy at the Dollar Tree. I looked for unique candy that the kids either have never had or haven't had in a while. And I also checked to see how many were in each bag so that I could use the same candy later on in the month to save money! Grand total was $9 and I have a gallon size Ziplock full! (ick. I don't like my kids to eat too much candy, so it was hard for me to buy all this jazz, but it's only a little a day so I can suck it up for the month!!)

Mmmm... RaZzLeS. A blast from the past. I remember buying these when I was a girl and eating so many that I felt sick........but it was SO worth it! (and of course eating a pack of Razzles was the first thing I did last night before I fill day #1!!!!)


Instead of making a sack for Christmas Day with a "25" on it, I decided to make a striped sack. It's a little messy, but worth it. When I add my Free Advent Calendar Knitting Pattern to Ravelry in pdf version, I will be adding the directions for the striped sack too!

Here's the "wrong" side that shows as you knit the pattern. Ewww...the dreaded ends that need to be weaved!!!! When I took the photo, I had already weaved in half the ends. At least it was only for one sack!!! I would NOT want to do this to all 25!


After weaving all the ends, it was a pleasant view to see the "right" side!



The kids were excited this morning to peek into the first sack! BUT Mama, of course, had to get a few photos first.


They tend to get a little impatient with me so I get some funny faces after a few clicks of my camera. Today's funny face winner is...

My youngest son, Evan with the buggy eyes and flaired out nose! haha


The best part... picking out the candy to eat before breakfast! woo!!! (they know this is only happening today and that they'll have to wait until after they eat next time!)


Happy December, Everyone!

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