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Choosing a Contest Winner ~ Call Me Old Fashioned.

I start by cutting up little pieces of paper. Yes, I do this everyday because my contest is running 30 days! I COULD do something in notepad on my computer and print it off or something, but I am a little old fashioned sometimes, and actually like writing. Weird, huh?

Then I go to my blog and look at all the previous days entries. I put each name on a separate piece of paper and then fold them up... (this is a cruddy photo because the sun was shining in SO bright that the computer was WAY over exposed! But... it's sun and I like sun... so all is good.)


Then I put them in a knit hat (well, of COURSE... I'm the Knitting Maniac!!!). Today's hat is my middle son's "hunting" hat. He's never hunted a day in his life.


Then I figure out which of my kiddos hasn't picked a name for a while. Then I listen to the others fight for THEIR right to choose a name. THEN I end up letting my oldest pick because he doesn't care either way.

Sometimes I feel like I just need to reel him in and make him feel young again. Then I come over to my blog & write all this stuff and start getting teary eyed at how mature my oldest son is, and how he'd much rather watch his younger siblings have fun. Then I want to cry. Then I realize that it's a GOOD thing that he is growing up and is such a great young man. Then I still make HIM choose a name because... well... because it's just fun and he's only 14.


Then I add the winners names to my "wool entries" piece of paper, which also has my hen scratchings at the bottom of a wool order for me and my friends :)


Then I add a photo of my "almost" 21 month old daughter sitting on the potty because it's just too cute that she's clapping for herself! The painting by the flush was crafted by my Aunt Phyllis and it says, "No job is finished until the paperwork is done." Guess that is fitting for my baby girl's situation... and my contest. haha


The End.


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